Single Service

Plant Health Care

ETC SOILution is now offering the best bio-organic products to produce our specialty formulated organic blend Exclusive to ETC SOILution. This custom blend helps to promote shoot growth, root growth, improve soil structure and optimize water retention. Our product is applied using high pressure soil injection method used to apply our blends into the soil. This method of application improves soil structure by fracturing, aerating soil optimizing nutrient uptake. ETC SOILution refers to this as our ETC Soil infusion. A combination of Specialty Formulated Organic Nutrients applied in the root zone by soil infusion optimizes soil structure, maximizing nutrient uptake, promoting plant vigor, and water retention in soil for drought conditions.

Many have become concerned about the impact that chemicals have upon the health of their children, their pets, and other wildlife – and the very plants they seek to nurture. Chemical fertilizers, over the long run, deplete the soil, deteriorating the health of the plants grown in it (and, by extension, the health of the living animals that feed upon those plants). Moreover, many of the chemicals applied to plants simply run off to pollute our water supply, doing much more damage than good. At ETC Solutions we ensure that we provide you with a landscape cultivation regimen that will not only be more effective for growing strong, healthy plants, but also create a cleaner, healthier enivorment.